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In today’s world, legalities pervade almost all major decisions of life and one has to resort to a lawyer in most of the regular functions one performs, be it a real estate deal, filing of tax returns, buying a car, getting married, or any dispute, etc. However, it is also quite likely in some cases that a client-lawyer dispute might arise. It is, thus, of paramount importance that A. Healthy client-lawyer relation is maintained in keeping with professional ethics which would be conducive to the function. Here are some rules as mentioned by CEO of legal jobs website A. Harrison Barnes. By following these one can have a good Client-Lawyer relationship.

The first salient feature of a perfect Client-Lawyer relation is an apt level of Competence on the part of the lawyer. As A. Harrison Barnes mentions, the lawyer is supposed to provide competent level of representation on behalf of the client. For that he needs a sound legal knowledge, edged-out skills, a meticulous attitude along with the mindset of adequate preparation. Each of these elements plays a significant role in an all-round representation of the client.

Next requirement for A. Healthy Client-Lawyer relation is ample amount of communication. A. Harrison Barnes points out that a lawyer needs to regularly keep the client informed of all the relevant circumstances and decisions in regard to which the client’s consent would be necessary. He also needs to consult in detail with the client about the various ways in which his/her goals could be achieved. It is one of the lawyer’s most crucial responsibilities to keep the client informed about the lawsuit. If the client requests for further detailed data, the lawyer is bound to promptly act on the situation and provide all the relevant details. The lawyer should also get into consultation sessions with the client about particular restraints on his conduct. This is because the clients often expect their attorneys to assist them even in areas which fall outside the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Next important aspect of a client-lawyer relationship is Confidentiality of Information. A lawyer’s job by its very nature is to keep all the information relating to the client a secret. The code of professional legal representation goes so: a lawyer is not supposed to reveal any information about his client or lawsuit unless the client provides his consent. Moreover, the disclosure is only to be carried out in circumstances of authorized representation. He or she can only reveal the information about the client to an extent till which they personally think is indispensable. Such situations include the following circumstances: prevention of a death sentence, prevention of death or possible physical harm, revelation of the client’s actual intention behind a crime, saving the client from committing a potential fraud that would lead to bulk financial losses, prevention and rectification of extensive damage to financial status and property in the context of which the client seeks advice, to comply to the order of a Court of Law, etc.

The fourth important salient feature for a sound rapport between the Client and the Lawyer is the Fee. A lawyer should never make an agreement for purposes of collecting irrational amounts as the fee or for expenses. A reasonable fee should be decided on the basis of the following elements, says A. Harrison Barnes:

• Time and effort required for the case/lawsuit. • Uniqueness and complexity of the circumstances and questions involved in the lawsuit. • The necessary talent and ability mandatory to carry out the appropriate legal service as it should be.

Other than these three primary factors, there are some secondary factors as well that are considered for deciding the charges:

• The range of fee habitually charged in the neighborhood for legal services and lawsuits of a similar kind. • The knowledge, status, reputation and professionally skilled capability of the lawyer, or the team of lawyers involved in the case who perform the services together. • The character and extent of the professional relationship that the lawyer involved and the client in question share from previous circumstances. • The original amount caught up and the consequences achieved. • The particular time limitations and the complex circumstances that are forced onto the lawyer on a mandatory basis by the client.

Another salient feature of an ideal Client-Lawyer relation is Conflict of Interest. This means, a lawyer should never represent two or more clients simultaneously should they have mutually conflicting interests at stake. Such a conflict may occur, when the lawyer represents a client whose causes are directly in opposition to that of another client. A lawyer should not opt for representation if there is a noteworthy risk of one or more clients to get significantly limited by his or her responsibilities to another client. A. Harrison Barnes categorically advises that representation should be avoided if the lawyer personally believes that such an act would not be enough to provide skilled and meticulous representation to another client.

These are the salient features of maintaining an ideal Client-Lawyer relation. If they are meticulously followed then the result would be a smooth and hassle-free lawsuit in which the lawyer would be able to pursue the case in the best way from which the client could expect the best outcome.

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